Optimizing eCommerce Store for Voice Search in 2021

Optimizing eCommerce Store for Voice Search in 2021

Have you ever asked Google for the easiest route to your workplace? Or Alexa for the trending show on Netflix today? Perhaps you asked Siri to find a Mexican restaurant near your house.

But have you ever wondered how you were able to utilize these facilities? If you already didn’t know, all this is possible with a voice search. A voice search is speaking to your voice assistant device like a smartphone or tablet. Siri, Alexa, Google, Cortana, etc., are all examples of this ground-breaking technology. These voice assistants have made lives simpler and extremely accessible.

Voice-generated answers and actions have allowed us to relax and sit back as they research on our behalf. Life cannot get any better than this. This is why you have to start taking advantage of this Voice Search Optimization. Here are few ways of optimizing your eCommerce store for voice search in 2021:

Optimize for Questions

The majority of the voice searches are in the form of questions rather than phrases. Hence, instead of saying “Shoe stores New York,” a user might ask, “Where is the nearest shoe store?” or something like “What are the best shoe stores in New York?” Keeping this in mind while optimizing your site for voice can help you immensely. Also, structure your content, i.e., FAQ pages, blog posts, etc., so that they answer your target customers’ questions rather than only considering phrases or keywords.

For great results, pay attention to “trigger words” for voice search, and integrate them into your content. Trigger words can include “what,” “how,” and “best.” Doing this will help you rank for voice search queries and also increase the chances of landing a spot in a featured snippet. In the current economy, understanding and collecting data has become crucial. How many times have you used promising Shopify apps, but weren’t sure if they were worth the cost? Tada solves this problem by presenting you with the most important KPIs for your business. Thus, converting your traffic into sales.

Use Natural Language

When people utilize voice search, it is logical to expect them to enter a query that is similar to how they communicate in real life. Moreover, typing requires a lot of time, so they tend to shorten their queries, although speaking does not require a lot of effort. According to Google’s data, almost 70% of the requests to the Google Assistant are expressed in the user’s natural language and not the usual keywords people use in a web search. This entails the need to focus on long-tail keywords. People are using voice search often to look for more specific information, thus, asking longer queries.

For you, this means that you need to identify the long conversational search queries that your customers generally use. So, get together with your staff, particularly your support team, and brainstorm phrases and keywords that your potential customers are more likely to enter to come across your business.

Dashboard with analytics, color schemes, logo, email integration, etc., are important features and Tada does it all! Snippets are an equally important factor with the capability to drive your eCommerce business to the next level. A featured snippet is the zero-result for a Google Search, placing it higher than any other search result in a query. You would have come across them when you searched for something but unlikely to observe them. When a browser like Google takes a partial clip from a website and highlights it in its own box as an answer to a question, it is called a snippet.

It is quite a valuable feature as the user has a tendency to open a snippet box first than any other search result. It does go without saying that it requires a very high level of SEO. You just cannot make the search engine feature your website. Hence, when there is a snippet for a particular voice-search result, then the voice assistants like Google Assistant or Siri will read it back to their users.

The Amazon Alexa does not come under this, as it is Amazon-driven and delivers only the Amazon shopping results. There are plenty of different ways of landing in position zero. You have to structure your content to answer all the common search queries on a targeted topic. You also have to look at the high-performing pages in the analytic results to identify the pages with the potential for position zero.

LangShop follows Google multilingual SEO best practices. Your store is efficiently indexed and your content is searchable in a wide variety of languages.

The voice search isn’t just a shiny new object or a mere trend. It is quickly becoming a part of the consumers’ daily lives. It is transforming how people use smart devices and search engines. If you aim to keep up with consumers voicing out their queries, then no better time than now!